Am Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 12:38:45PM -0600 schrieb Dale: > I suspect it has something to do with this being a older system. Very likely. :) > I wouldn't be surprised if the SATA was a older and slower version. I hate to repeat myself, but no. Here are the speeds of SATA: Generation Year Gross bandwidth Net bandwidth --------------------------------------------------------- SATA 1 2003 1.5 Gbps 1.2 Gbps (150 MB/s) SATA 2 2004 3.0 Gbps 2.4 Gbps (300 MB/s) SATA 3 2008 6.0 Gbps 4.8 Gbps (600 MB/s) Even SATA 1 is faster than your new ethernet card. > I guess I could google it.  My source (as most often): If you know the name of a technical thing, the quickest way to concise facts is wikipedia. -- Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’ Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network. The stupid keep tidy. The genius controls chaos.