Am Fri, Dec 16, 2022 at 09:50:01PM -0600 schrieb Dale: > > My point is: there is no need for a monitor. ;-) > > > > I noticing that now.  Once the install is done and you have the IP > address, heck, you don't need a monitor for much of anything it > appears.  I even found a console so one can type in things to do.  I > wonder, could one install the LVM stuff and use that?  That would be > interesting. > > I wonder if there is a NAS software that uses LVM instead.  Interesting > thought.  I just may go bug google on that one.  o_O Interestingly, after feeding LVM NAS to my search engine, one of the first results was a Qnap user forum thread which reads that Qnaps use LVM. It makes sense, since they most likely use a “normal” linux software RAID underneath, and LVM is then the best way to dynamically manage the space on top of that. While ZFS has the same pooling feature as LVM, meaning you can bunch several disks together to create a JBOD, it has one big disadvantage over LVM: you can grow a pool, but not shrink it. Actually, while reading up on stuff for this thread, I learned that these days it is actually possible to remove a mirror vdev from a mirror-only pool (a mirror can technically also be a single device). But according to it’s not perfect either. -- Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’ Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network. 5 of 4 people have problems with subsets.