Am Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 03:53:28PM -0600 schrieb Dale: > > Did you ever tell us the exact CPU you have in there? All I can remember is > > it has 4 cores. And some AMD processor with a II in its name, but that was > > you main rig, right? > > It took some digging around but I found out it is a AMD Phenom 9750 quad > core. Great! That’s a model from 2008:,_65_nm,_Quad-core) > It lists some extensions but I don't see any that are related to > encryption.  No AES or whatever for sure.  Unless I missed it.  I used The instruction set’s original proposal is about as young as your processor: > My main rig has a AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor and 32GBs of memory.  > I'm thinking about a new rig eventually.  Rig is getting a little age on > it.  ;-)  At least it has AES ;-),_32_nm) I’ve been thinking about a new build for about a year now, aiming at a power-efficient Ryzen 5700G. But I can’t let go of my trusty old (8 years) i5-4590. -- Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’ Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network. So this unvaccinated man comes in no bar ...