Linux will support at least 24 bit color on cards it can drive (nearly anything current). It would help to know which graphics card you are looking at. last time i saw 8 bit color was decades ago. you should also look it up using your' favorite search engine, often very usefull and samples a larger pool of information than any one email list can. (a good madscientist)
I find it ironic that at a time when Americans are concerned about violence and Bullying in schools and elsewhere that we would elect a Grand Poohbah who's a violent bully and hates everyone, including himself, as demonstrated by speech and action. I've known 2 year olds that behaved more appropriately. Besides, there can be no rule of law when those in charge are contemptuous of the whole frame work on which our country is based .
20. Oct 2017 10:17 by
I'm considering buying a new monitor (and graphics card) which supports
10 bits per color channel.
Will Gimp on a Linux machine (X11) support this now or in the near future.
Or is it just waste of money to buy a monitor with more than 8 bits/color channel?
Many thanks for some hints,