used about 3 lines of USE flags, actually it was less than a half hour, which doesn't surprise me if the stage 3 is compiled.   i am using a fairly quick drive ;(and i was watching vid)  had 2  small problems but i'll try again off the live dvd.  i got an error with the rbind "mount --rbind /sys /mnt/gentoo/sys" i should have guessed the stage3 was just compressed, 
and it also couldn't find a "sane" /dev.  probably both due to centos not playing nice (and my mounting and unmounting of a couple partitions).  

it's  nice to know i can make some progress before i have my compiler farm up, i'm sure i'll want it before it's up (one machine to finish upgrading, one with bad power supply caps for the graphics system (easy, just hard to get it apart enogh to find out when it's in a tiny case.  i'll doubtless be doing some bench marks, especially if i upgrade the cpu.  my main machine has 4G of ram, i've rarely used more than 1G, usually less but this should give me a chance to exercise it well.  

it's not so hard yet, just hard to get by reading it in advance, doing it is fairly straight forward.  

it's a stage3 that's about 2-3 weeks old now, but i did  let  it sync and download the newest stuff, and it did a fair amount of downloading (it's just amazing what gigabit fiber to premises can do, especially when the city  runs it.  people who got it right away after the cable was in get it for $50/month, for life even if they move as long as they stay in longmont. and no deposit ,or install fees. the 'ONT' can be up to $300 dollars.  i keep mine on top  of a bookcase!  i love it!  hope we all have it soon.  i'm even allowed to run a server, though that may be a good winter project.  if i run four machines in a farm, and amuse my self with the mac i'll obviously want to do it when it's cool.  no guilt in winter, it's electric baseboard, as expensive as possible but it's rolled into the rent.(and it's a very drafty apartment)  point being that nearly all the electric baseboards  will just run less often with 5 machines up, till then it's probably a night project, my best hours.  after all you can be certain most of the electricity someone uses is very nearly converted, 100% to heat, doesn't hurt to do something with it with it on it's conversion to heat.

i'm still using a 100Mbps router, also trying to learn how to use pfsense, fortunately i've studied that a bit more, as far as how the new works, and i've agresively operated a software firewall before (1999, with a barely working phone  line, had a great 56K modem, with a display to tell you when it changes the up/down speed.  it oscillated between about 20 and ocasionaly 26K.  that's what happens when 7 lines go to the development, and get demultiplexed into 100 phone lines.  it was pretty good for audio, but 56K modems use an incredibly complex line testing and correction. 

The Power Of the People Is Stronger Than The People In Charge.

28. Aug 2017 10:08 by

> On 28/08/2017 13:41, >>  wrote:
>> Ok, i'm starting to understand the install instructions, a steeper curve
>> than i expected but still way easier than LFS.
>> So, on a dual core athlon II 6000 (two cores, 3ghz)  roughly how long
>> will stage3 take to compile, roughly?
> You don't compile a stage 3, that has already been done and you
> downloaded it. You bunzip2 and untar a stage 3.
> F
> -- 
> Alan McKinnon