> IMHO you could just use the rest of the disk (after the /boot [hda1]
> and swap [hda2]), but if you intend to get a /home (or anything), I
> usually use 10GB for / just in case (still at 50%, but you never
> know). I got two 40GB disks however, if I were you (and I'm not, so,
> you can just disconsider what I'll say), I would put 20GB for the
> system, so you'll probably never run out of space...
> On 2/16/06, Izar Ilun wrote:
> > I'm installing Gentoo and I'd like you to suggest me how much disc space I
> > should use for /.
> >
> > My machine is Pentium4, 1GB RAM, 200 GB HD ATA
> >
> > It's a desktop machine with Gentoo as the only and exclusive OS.
> >
> > Will run KDE. Amarok, OpenOffice, firefox....
> >
> > Thanx!
> >
> --
> Daniel da Veiga
> Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
> Version: 3.1
> GCM/IT/P/O d-? s:- a? C++$ UBLA++ P+ L++ E--- W+++$ N o+ K- w O M- V-
> PS PE Y PGP- t+ 5 X+++ R+* tv b+ DI+++ D+ G+ e h+ r+ y++
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
Do i not understand why needs swap, if have 1GB of RAM?