Thanks a Lot Grant!!

Nice to know you never suffered issues…

I would to this way with config but, later genkerneled and loaded through menuconfig the file…

I prefer genkernel Because provides flexibility but creates you an initramfs for returning from sleep/hibernate… although I later change slightly that initramfs lol 🤣 

Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Departamento de sistemas
94 - 420 94 70
Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
servicios sarenet
Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario hacerlo.


El 6 dic 2024, a las 0:02, Grant Edwards <> escribió:

On 2024-12-05, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea <> wrote:

Does exist a way... where you could emerge world, update all the
system, finally end up by upgrading the kernel and being sure that
the old .config you used through menuconfig (or by any other way of
importing) would not select erroneous parameters in newer

All my systems run custom-configured kernels built from on stable

All I've ever done for a kernel upgrades is to go into the new kernel
source dir and do the following:

# zcat /proc/zconfig >.config
# make oldconfig
# make
# make install

For the past 20+ years, that has always worked fine for minor version
changes (e.g. 5.15.x ⇒ 5.15.y)

There have been a few major upgrades in the past 20 years when a large
kernel subsystem change required some sort of manual intervention with
a "make menuconfig". But, I can't actually remember the last time it
happened (it's been years).
