> Any idea why openrc-user is failing? And what is an openrc user session? openrc user session is a similar concept to systemd --user, and is experimental in openrc. it's made to run services that run as your user, like dbus, pipewire, ssh-agent, emacs. if i were to guess why it's failing, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR might not be set for the session. can happen on systems without neither elogind nor pam_xdg > The ssh succeeds but with a longer delay compared to previous version of > OpenRC, which is now sys-apps/openrc-0.60. the login sequence shouldn't be waiting until openrc-user succeeds or failes, yet at least. i do think now that it's probably warranted to reduce the number of re-tries we do though. to disable the attempt of starting all toghether, remove or comment out the line with pam_openrc.so from /etc/pam.d/system-login --- > I never noticed supervise-daemon > (https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/OpenRC/supervise-daemon) before, I suppose > it is a new component of OpenRC. From the above log I understand that > pam is trying to start an openrc session (whatever that is) for user > some_user but fails. supervise-daemon tries to restart the service > several times and finally gives up. supervise-daemon is a supervisor built into openrc for a good while now, but most services did not move over to it yet. -- navi