Hi list.

I've been using Gentoo for quite a long time, and today I decided to try compiling the kernel myself, Thing I've never done before. I want a smaller kernel, a faster boot (without initramfs) and, of course, some fun :).

I'm still reading the oficial documentation, but I don't think it will be enough, so, if anyone of you know some documentation more detailed, I'd appreciate reading it.

I've just ran 'make xconfig', and I noticed that the configuration is the same from genkernel (genkernel --menuconfig). Is it good? Should I get an original .conf, with less garbage, or this is just the 'normal default' instead of 'genkernel default' as I'm guessing?

Is there any tool that can scan my pc and help me out with the .conf or even generate one? I guess not. There are lots of options that I have no idea what they are for. I think this will be the fun part, but I think I can't get a running kernel before I optimize it, so I can do it gradually.

Just for curiosity, what is the size of your kernel? Mine is 3.4 MB.

Thank you,
Joćo de Matos
Linux User #461527