Over the last few days I have tried to set up using uefi gpt and grub2. After many hours of frustration I have gone back to grub legacy and mbr.
I followed the Gentoo wiki and Arch wiki and several other sources of which I failed miserably. Is this technology fairly unreliable? I booted from a uefi enabled usb stick but still fell over. Is this ready for mainstream or
still alpha like?
Also does ufibootmgr change motherboard firmware? Somehow this feels
wrong if the case.
John D Maunder
I tried installing UEFI GPT too a few months ago, but I had a semi success. After some days of fiddeling around with parameters and variables I could boot the system, but I can't see the kernel output or open-rc. But the X loads and the system works after that like normal, but without the textual ttys. terminal emulations like xterm or so work. So I would install it again, but it isn't as easy as thought.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Randolph Maaßen