You could try Testdisk[1]. It may help. The data on a SSD is notOn Sun, May 05, 2013 at 02:44:11PM +0000, Randolph Maaßen wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a SSD in my laptop and I am running Win7 and Gentoo in Parralel. for
> some purpose I needed several Partitions so my base system was lying on
> sda10, on an LVM-PV. Today my Windows refused to start and during recovery
> its diskpart must have deleted the information about the 10th partition on
> the disk, containing my main Gentoo system. Recovery failed, but
> sysrescuecd still works :)
> Now I'm concerned about the rescueing of the partition on the SSD, is it
> the same way as on HDDs and are the same memory-parts of the SSD used? Or
> is the partiton gone forever? And when I recreate a partition, will the PV
> with the data still be there and readable?
necessarily stored linar so it's not said that a new partition is using
the same memory cells as the old one. Even if it is, you'd lose any
information about directories or files (names, dates, accessrights and
so on).
You should definitly try to minimize writes (ideally there would be
none) since they can corrupt data. For a HDD I'd advise to create a copy
using dd but from my understanding of SSD technology it's not
guaranteed to copy the right (now unused marked) blocks.
If you can't recover the old partition information I'd say you lost your
data unless you are willing (and there's no guarantees either) to pay
substantial amounts of money to specialised services (substantial as in
most likely >> 1000 EUR).