> So the solution is to just use "xscreensaver" by jwz. Which can be
> configured to just blank the screen etc. as wanted by the op. See
> also
> the FAQ: https://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/faq.html
> HTH,
> -dnh
Except I use xscreensaver myself and it in no way prevents VT switch,
which is what the OP was hoping to find a way to do if and only if the
screen is locked. Programs that grab input still don't get to block
combos that are processed by the X server before they even get to the
program's input queue any more than grabbing input will block the alt-
sysrq kernel-level interrupt keys.
Disabling VT switch by the X server and then setting up some other way
to trigger a switch that will be blocked by whatever screen locking
program the OP wishes to use is the best solution I can think of. chvt
would be the program to call. Whether he wants it to be a keyboard
shortcut handled by his DE or some other trigger method is a matter of