I think it can only be started from a VT. But what's the problem? I have an xsession going, plus tmux, plus perhaps something else going in one or more VT 
All I have to do is call vlock -a from a virtual terminal.
Now to access any terminal VT or xsession - you have to unlock this VT first.
But I can still access my box remotely through SSH 

Il Ven 12 Lug 2019, 18:01 Ian Zimmerman <itz@very.loosely.org> ha scritto:
On 2019-07-11 21:28, Nuno Silva wrote:

> vlock -n -a

Does vlock work from an XWindow session?  Or would I have to use it on
top of whatever I do to lock the XWindow session - xscreensaver/i3lock

(I browsed to the vlock README page on github but it doesn't answer this

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