Is there a way to remove "Cron " from the subject line of crontab mail without piping each cron job to 'mail'? I set 'usermod -c hostname root' on each of my systems so that the From: line displays "hostname" for crontab mail. This works on each system except the mail server itself which still shows "Cron Daemon". Can crontab mail from the mail server be made to display From: "hostname" like the other systems? I'm not completely clear on how cronbase works. Can this crontab be integrated into the system crontab via cronbase or should it be run as a separate user crontab for root? 0 4 * * * layman -NS && eix-sync -n && eix-remote update -n 15 4 * * * emerge -pvDuN world 20 4 * * * eclean -C distfiles 30 4 * * * eclean -C packages 40 4 * * * eix-test-obsolete 45 4 * * * revdep-rebuild -ip - Grant