>> My unattended daily system maintenance procedure is like this:
>> layman -S
>> emerge --sync
>> emerge -pvDuN world
>> emerge -pv --depclean
>> eclean -p distfiles
>> eclean -p packages
>> And then attended like this:
>> emerge -DuN world
>> revdep-rebuild
>> etc-update
>> elogv
>> emerge --depclean
>> eclean distfiles
>> eclean packages
>> Am I missing any good stuff?
>> - Grant
> The first depclean is redundant, you haven't updated anything so it won't show anything useful. I only run depclean and revdep-rebuild weekly,I don't see a need to routinely do it more often, especially on slower systems. I do run eix-update and eix-update-remote after my daily sync.I run eix-test-obsolete from the weekly cron script.

I should have said that I'm emailed the results of the first set of commands so the first depclean is there to let me know what would be removed after yesterday's update.

eix-test-obsolete sounds nice.  New addition!

> Frequent cleaning of packages is not a good idea IMO, I like to keep the old veraions around for at least a few days, in case something unpleasant shows up and I want to roll back.

I think you're right about that.  Can I configure eclean to wait a certain number of days since a package was removed before cleaning it?  Even if I only run it once per week, it could remove a package that was updated yesterday that I find out I need tomorrow.

- Grant