On 25 Sep 2016 12:19 a.m., "Dale" <rdalek1967@gmail.com> wrote:
> J. Roeleveld wrote:
> > On September 24, 2016 10:54:56 PM GMT+02:00, Dale <rdalek1967@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Well, you said you hadn't set up any users and their passwords.  That
> >> is
> >> part of the install process and is in the guide.  You are told to set
> >> up
> >> the root password in one section and to set up a user and its password
> >> in another section.  At the very least, you missed those two parts and
> >> that isn't a assumption, it's based on what you posted.  What else you
> >> missed I'm not sure and most likely, no one else is either.  Rich
> >> posted
> >> that he thinks you missed a whole section which may or may not be
> >> correct but we do know you missed at least a couple steps  Given enough
> >> information, someone may be able to figure it out tho.
> > Dale,
> >
> > You should know better. Please don't make it worse by top-posting even more.
> >
> > >From what I understand from this nightmare of a messy thread, the OP seems to be looking for an install-script/tool.
> > This does not exist other than the simple to follow handbook.
> >
> > --
> > Joost
> >
> >
> Well, as you know, I never top post unless it is a new person that
> starts it.  The only reason I do it then is because most likely the
> person on the other end has no choice but too.  It's likely why no one
> has mentioned this.  For all we know, he may be doing this with a
> limited cell phone.  Who knows.  For the normal situations tho, I bottom
> post as you know or do it inline.  I will be glad when he gets it sorted
> out and can actually set it up to be mailing list friendly.  Top
> posting, multiple threads and all makes it hard to follow.
> I'm beginning to think the same thing.  Here we thought he was further
> into the install and just missed a few steps/section and now I'm
> beginning to think he has only booted the install media and wants a
> installer command.  Maybe he will post something that will help us help
> him.  Maybe.  I thought I had a rough idea but based on a recent post,
> we may be all wrong on where he is in this process.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

Apologies for starting the top posting,

I had earlier suggested using http://www.tecmint.com/gentoo-linux-installation-guide/ and the Gentoo handbook side by side.
The link provided has the option of using the LiveDVD. I do not know at what stage the install failed but it might be easier to start over.
