Thanks I'm a dam47 year old man that pays wifi an ph.bill


On Fri, Aug 11, 2023, 2:52 PM Dale <> wrote:
Alan Mackenzie wrote:
> Hello, Gentoo.
> For the past couple of days, after $ emerge --sync, I've tried
>     $ emerge -auND @world
> ..  It has come back very quickly with the error message:
> #########################################################################
> !!! The ebuild selected to satisfy ">=net-misc/curl-7.21.5[ssl]" has unmet requirements.
> - net-misc/curl-8.1.2::gentoo USE="adns ftp gnutls http2 imap pop3 progress-meter smtp ssl tftp -alt-svc -brotli -gopher -hsts -idn -kerberos -ldap -mbedtls (-nghttp3) -nss -openssl -rtmp (-rustls) -samba -ssh (-sslv3) -static-libs -telnet
> -test -verify-sig -websockets -zstd" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" CURL_SSL="openssl -gnutls -mbedtls -nss (-rustls)"
>   The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied:
>     curl_ssl_openssl? ( openssl )
>   The above constraints are a subset of the following complete expression:
>     ssl? ( exactly-one-of ( curl_ssl_gnutls curl_ssl_mbedtls curl_ssl_nss curl_ssl_openssl curl_ssl_rustls ) ) curl_ssl_gnutls? ( gnutls ) curl_ssl_mbedtls? ( mbedtls ) curl_ssl_nss? ( nss ) curl_ssl_openssl? ( openssl ) curl_ssl_rustls? (
> rustls )
> #########################################################################
> ..  I don't understand what is meant by "curl_ssl_openssl? ( openssl )" in
> the above message.  I assume it's talking about some USE flag, but which?
> openssl?  curl_ssl_openssl?  As a matter of interest, I have
> =dev-libs/openssl-3.0.9-r2 installed.
> Please help me understand what's happening.
> Thanks for the help!

I think I got that a while back.  This is what I have for my USE flags
for that package. 

root@fireball / # equery u net-misc/curl
[ Legend : U - final flag setting for installation]
[        : I - package is installed with flag     ]
[ Colors : set, unset                             ]
 * Found these USE flags for net-misc/curl-8.0.1:
 U I
 - - abi_x86_32       : 32-bit (x86) libraries
 + + adns             : Add support for asynchronous DNS resolution
 - - alt-svc          : Enable alt-svc support
 - - brotli           : Enable brotli compression support
 - - curl_ssl_gnutls  : Use GnuTLS
 - - curl_ssl_mbedtls : Use mbed TLS
 - - curl_ssl_nss     : Use Mozilla's Network Security Services
 + + curl_ssl_openssl : Use OpenSSL
 + + ftp              : Enable FTP support
 - - gnutls           : Enable gnutls ssl backend
 - - gopher           : Enable Gopher protocol support
 - - hsts             : Enable HTTP Strict Transport Security
 + + http2            : Enable HTTP/2.0 support
 - - idn              : Enable support for Internationalized Domain Names
 + + imap             : Enable Internet Message Access Protocol support
 - - kerberos         : Add kerberos support
 - - ldap             : Add LDAP support (Lightweight Directory Access
 - - mbedtls          : Enable mbedtls ssl backend
 - - nss              : Enable nss ssl backend
 + + openssl          : Enable openssl ssl backend
 + + pop3             : Enable Post Office Protocol 3 support
 + + progress-meter   : Enable the progress meter
 - - rtmp             : Enable RTMP Streaming Media support
 - - samba            : Add support for SAMBA (Windows File and Printer
 + + smtp             : Enable Simple Mail Transfer Protocol support
 - - ssh              : Enable SSH urls in curl using libssh2
 + + ssl              : Enable crypto engine support (via openssl if
USE='-gnutls -nss')
 - - static-libs      : Build static versions of dynamic libraries as well
 - - telnet           : Enable Telnet protocol support
 - - test             : Enable dependencies and/or preparations
necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be
toggled independently)
 + + tftp             : Enable TFTP support
 - - verify-sig       : Verify upstream signatures on distfiles
 - - websockets       : Enable websockets support
 - - zstd             : Enable zstd compression
root@fireball / #

I think it wants you to enable openssl or one of the other USE flag
options.  Since I seem to recall having openssl installed already, I
just picked it.  I'd try enabling that and see if the error goes away. 

Hope that helps.


:-)  :-)