On Thu, Sep 7, 2023 at 12:39 PM Arve Barsnes <arve.barsnes@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 7 Sept 2023 at 13:12, Jorge Almeida <jjalmeida@gmail.com> wrote:
> Nope. I don't run a Gnome system, and evince pulls an absurd bunch of dependencies, even with most USE variables unset

Sure, which is why I put in that caveat :)

Yes, I understood what you meant. I was just saying that I don't have most dependencies installed. 

> why would I need elogind, udisks, polkit, etc. just to read a comic book or view a pdf?

I do have elogind because sddm requires it (have been pondering if I
should switch), but I don't have udisks or polkit, so those can at
least be controlled with some USE variables.

That's curious. I just tried emerge -p evince with all USE variables unset and it refuses to comply. Some dependencies suffer from "unmet  requirements". Never mind. evince was made for Gnome users, which I'm not. I'll wait to see what gives re mcomix... (For viewing files for which a thumbnails-based index is not a must I'll just stick with zathura.)

