Took me a while to figure out what sudo was complaining about - my shutdown line includes a 15 second delay  /sbin/shutdown -h 15 needed to be t=15. Once I solved that, it quit complaining.

I'd though to simply take advantage of the already available line for the wheel group being allowed to execute any command w/o a pw but thought thrice about it and went the individual command route. Will be testing quite soon now that I've got the sleep command working.

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 10:49 PM, Mick <> wrote:
On Friday 07 Jun 2013 06:21:00 Fast Turtle wrote:
> Turns out there's no shutdown group on my system now so it must be added
> when kde is installed with powerdevil - oh well. Guess I'll have to either
> create it or go the sudo route since I'm more concerned with what works.

These are my relevant entries in /etc/sudoers to avoid entering a passwd:

ME              BOX1 = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown -h now
ME              BOX1 = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown -r now
ME              BOX1 = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hibernate

after I have defined as:

Host_Alias      BOX1 = <domain_name>  <--could also use IP address here <--
User_Alias      ME = <my_username>

PS. Don't forget to use visudo to edit your sudoers file.