On Sat, Jun 18, 2022 at 8:07 AM Guillermo <guillermo18barresiones@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Basically i have installed gentoo, but i don't have any type of sound, i
> installed pulseaudio and alsa but no one worked fine since i have no sound.
> Thanks for your help.
If you're going to run pulseaudio then consider starting with pavucontrol to see what PA thinks is going on.
Consider running also-info which should save a file to /tmp with info.
Consider running alsmixer to see what sound device, if any, is selected.
Consider searching for wave files (locate *.wav) and playing one using aplay:
aplay /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018b/toolbox/signal/sigdemos/guitartune.wav
Consider posting back more info when you've got some to share.