On Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 9:55 AM Dale <rdalek1967@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think what I read is that it is done automatically.  They could have
> meant a cron job.  I don't think they said how, just that it is already
> set up to do it.  Firmware was mentioned in the thread somewhere so I
> thought maybe that was it.  Either way, fstrim is installed here.  It's
> part of util-linux and that is pulled in by several packages.  I doubt
> it will be going away here anytime soon given the long list of packages
> that need it. Just to set up a cron job for it.  Remembering the steps
> for that will take time tho.  o_O

Hey - it's the Internet. I thought we could trust everything we read...

> I've thought of a few options myself.  I sort of have a OS copy/backup
> already.  I currently do the compiling in a chroot on a separate drive.
> I then copy the compiled packages and use the -k option to update the
> live OS.  I'll continue to do that when I start booting from the SSD.
> That should limit writes and such to the SSD.  I also got to rearrange
> things so I can put swap on that spare drive I compile on.  I don't want
> swap on a SSD.  I wish this thing would stop using swap completely.  I
> have swappiness set to 1 already and it still uses swap.

Well, that sounds like a solution to do your emerge work although
you're limited to the speed of that hard drive. If it's done in the 
background then maybe you don't care.

> Right now, I'm debating the size of /boot.  Knoppix is pretty large.
> The Gentoo LiveGUI thingy is too.  So, it will have to be larger than
> the few hundred megabytes my current one is.  I'm thinking 10GBs or so.
> Maybe 12GBs to make sure I'm good to go for the foreseeable future.
> They may limit them to DVD size right now but one day they could pass
> that limit by.  Software isn't getting smaller.  Besides, USB is the
> thing now.

I guess I don't understand why you would put Knoppix in the boot 
partition vs somewhere else. Is this for some sort of recovery 
process you're comfortable with vs recovering from a bootable DVD?

- Mark