On Sun, Sep 17, 2023 at 10:46 AM Wols Lists <antlists@youngman.org.uk> wrote:
> It always annoys me, but baloo seems to be being an absolute nightmare
> at the moment.
> Iirc, it's "the file indexer for KDE" - in other words it knackers your
> response time reading all the files, wastes disk space building an
> index, and all for what?
> So that programs you never use can a bit faster? What the hell is the
> point of shaving 10% of a run time of no seconds at all?
> I tried to kill it and it appears to have just restarted. Is there a use
> flag I can use to just get rid of it completely?
> What I find really frustrating is it claims to have been "built for
> speed". If it's streaming the contents of disk into ram so it can index
> it, it's going to completely knacker your system response whatever
> (especially if a program I WANT running is trying to do the same thing!)
> Cheers,
> Wol
In KDE System Settings search for baloo, select file search and turn off indexing?
I turned it off years ago due to this sort of issue, as well as others.
sudo updatedb and locate are my friends. Very fast, zero overhead as best I can tell