On Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 3:15 PM Michael <confabulate@kintzios.com> wrote:
> On Saturday, 29 June 2024 21:30:59 BST Dale wrote:
> > I booted the rig up and decided to try something.  Once it was booted, I
> > logged in from my main rig via ssh.  I then typed in the command to
> > start DM.  It started and looked OK.  Then I just up arrow and changed
> > it to restart the DM.  I restarted DM back to back several times, more
> > than a dozen.  Sometimes it wouldn't work, sometimes it would be low
> > resolution and sometimes it would come up and look like it should, hi
> > res and all.  I also tried logging in when it was working and I could
> > login.  The biggest thing I noticed, it never came up fully.  Most of
> > the time it came up in hi res but no plasma.  A few times it was a low
> > res screen and no plasma.  Looked like maybe 720P or less.
> >
> > The thing is, it didn't fully come up even once.  It was always lacking
> > plasma at least.  Some of the time, it was low res.  Several times, the
> > monitor would go black and cut off completely.  It would go to sleep.
> > If the new monitor works, I'm thinking Micheal is right.  The monitor
> > works with slower systems and the nouveau drivers on boot media.  With
> > Nvidia on the install, hit or miss, mostly miss.  I think it has only
> > worked fully twice.
> I think after all these attempts you have proven this monitor with this nvidia
> card just won't work on its own, unless and until you try changing the
> "Monitor" settings as I suggested in my previous message, or extract, store
> and feed the monitor's EDID file to your card.
> However, you have your hands full and may want to leave this for now and wait
> for the next larger and more modern monitor to show up.  Hopefully that will
> work better!  :-)

He certainly does have his hands full!

I'm confused. (a standard state of being for me...) I thought Dale reported that
he installed Kubuntu on an SSD - or did we just talk about that idea - and he
said all the port problems were ironed out with the open source driver.

What he didn't report was if he installed the nvidia-drivers in Kubuntu. I 
personally wouldn't write off the 'old monitor' until doing at least that.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

ubuntu-drivers list
(make sure the video-card is found)

sudo apt install nvidia-drivers-550
(assuming he has a Quadro P1000 from memory)


Shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes to try. No real risk as 
he's going to blow away the Kubuntu install anyway.