On Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 8:49 AM Jack wrote: > > On 12/18/22 10:38, Mark Knecht wrote: > > Wipe the machine and start over with Gentoo from scratch... > > Wipe the machine and start over with Gentoo from scratch... > > Humm, I think you should... > > Wipe the machine and start over with Gentoo from scratch... > > First there was Linux from Scratch. > > Next came Beyond Linux from Scratch. > > Then there was Gentoo. > > Now, the latest, greatest installment: Gentoo from Scratch. > Gawd, that's funny! Thanks for making me smile, assuming I found what you're talking about: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Gentoo_ebuild_tree_from_scratch Just what every Gentoo user needs. More management! I really have fallen off the deep end thinking computers are just tools to get a job done. I'm ashamed of myself... In the really early days of Gentoo circa 2003 when I started there was some choice about regular Gentoo or a really low level install. I failed with the low level one but soon learned that every package on my machine was going to get rebuilt anyway so why bother? :-( Sad Mark. I'm a putz...