On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 9:41 AM Dale <rdalek1967@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, the 770T now has Gentoo on it.  As usual, my fresh built kernel
> booted the very first time without error and every thing worked.
> Sometimes, things go right.  ROFL  I have to say tho, I wish they would
> split the install docs into two parts.  One for old BIOS and one for the
> efi thingy.  It was confusing in a couple places but I got there.  Maybe
> some color coding would help???

Congrats. I hope it goes well.

There are still times I wish I was running Gentoo - the documentation,
camaraderie and deep technical knowledge of the group, but I just
don't have time or patience to iron out issues with applications when
Gentoo isn't a supported distro. Still, for something like a NAS box it
makes sense if everything you run is sour\ce code coming from the
Gentoo code stores.
