On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 7:16 AM Majid Hussain <mhussaincov93@gmail.com> wrote:
> hey there mark,
> you are ausom!
> it has cleared things up alot!
> on the chroot what doo I need?
> thanks,
> Majid Hussain
> On 22/04/2020, Mark Knecht <markknecht@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 5:45 AM Majid Hussain <mhussaincov93@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> hi there,
> >> now er days, the mate desktop is considderd very accessible,
> >> compared to gnome,
> >> orca is the screen reader used when a gui is launched,
> >> espeakup is the screen reader that is used on the tty before xorg and
> >> friends are launched,
> >> it's what debian uses on the net install image,
> >> hence me asking if espeakup would be able to be added to an iso image?
> >> unless there's away of building your own iso image from a non gentoo
> > system?
> >> Majid
> >>
> >
> > Hi Majid,
> > I know nothing about accessibility systems but the meat of installing
> > Gentoo is essentially just you executing a bunch of instructions inside of
> > a chroot. You can start with any distro that currently provides
> > accessibility for you, set aside some disk space, chroot into it and then
> > do the Gentoo install work there. If the distro you start with can read
> > what's going on in that terminal as well as the install instructions off
> > the web pages for this task then I think you should be good to go.
> >
> > Hope this helps,
> > Mark
> >
> --
> kind regards,
> Majid Hussain
Hi Majid,
Again, I know nothing at all about how you deal with these tasks with blindness. A few things:
1) This list tends to a a bottom posting list. I don't think anyone is going to give you much grief about top posting. I certainly won't.
2) Fundamentally you just need to follow the isntall guide located here:
Under the section "Installing Gentoo" there are a bunch of links. The first 5 are basically about getting a new box with no OS booting, setting up a network, basic stuff. You should have all of that from any OS you boot. TO BE CLEAR: you can do this on your existing system if it's Linux based and you have disk space available to play with. You can do this in a Virtualbox VM. There is NO requirement to use a new empty system. Find some disk space and follow the "Preparing the disks" and "Installing the Gentoo installation files" sections to map out the design of your system. Once that is done the section "Installing the Gentoo Base system" is where you chroot into what will eventually become your machine. At that point you are running Gentoo inside the chroot. You just build it p following the instructions.
I hope this helps a little. Once you get started youo can ask questions here and I am certain you'll get responses. This is, for the 25 years I've been using Linux, the most helpful place on the web for both Gentoo and general Linux admin sorts of topics.
Warm welcomes and best of luck. I'm excited to see how you do.