On Sat, Oct 7, 2023 at 9:01 AM Dale <rdalek1967@gmail.com> wrote:
> Peter Böhm wrote:
> > Am Samstag, 7. Oktober 2023, 14:42:48 CEST schrieb Nuno Silva:
> >
> >> I'm not sure it's fair to say it'll be easier in the webforum. [...]
> > I think everything has its advantages and disadvantages. I suggested
the forum
> > because there are also some Gentoo developers active there. If a problem
> > requires several different experts (because I don't know everything
> > it's certainly faster and easier there than here. I would also like to
> > emphasize that it was only a suggestion.
> >
> >> It is worth it mentioning the issue there, though, as somebody there
> >> is not reading this list might know what is going on.
> > I am one of the moderators of the forum and therefore read every new
> >
> > ;-)
> I haven't been following all of this thread but I recently built a
> kernel 6.1.55 and it boots fine but no GUI.  I made sure the symlink is
> pointing to the right kernel, re-emerged nvidia-drivers and such but
> still no joy.  If a thread is started there, could someone post a link
> here?  I'd like to follow this to see if anything helps me with my
> issue, although it is different, it may have a similar solution.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

Have you triple checked the NVidia site to make sure your
new kernel is actually supported by the driver you're building.

Sometimes they are delayed by a bit.
