On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 1:25 PM Tsukasa Mcp_Reznor <mcp_reznor@hotmail.com> wrote:
> For what it's worth I've been using gerbera for years, it'll pass-through supported videos/codecs or you can set it up to transcode.   Highly recommend it.  On my roku TV's I just use the roku media player, it'll see UPnP servers just fine.

Thanks. Great info and much appreciated.

The unit showed up today and was a breeze to set up and get running at a basic level. The device requires an app on my phone. The app is available for Android and Apple but not available for the Amazon Fire tablet.

I was able to stream Internet Radio immediately. I then transferred about 20% of my CD collection FLAC files to a flash drive and they play fine and sound great. I am currently using the audio output on the unit but will be testing my Schitt Modi DAC over the weekend, along with attempting to connect to Plex.

One small problem I ran into is the unused flash drive I had in the flash drive box had a default FAT filesystem on it and the FLAC library, ripped mostly with k3b but also a little abcde, has characters in names that aren't supported so I had some complaints getting things copied. I will say that a big flash drive might be a great solution to not having to turn the server on and having media available 24/7.
