After upgrading the gentoo-sources kernel or linux-headers, there are some packages that are dependent on the kernel config or on specific kernel modules. The ebuild "inherit" for eclasses will have the classes linux-info or linux-mod referenced for these packages. These scripts do the work of finding these references and rebuild/reinstall them after a kernel or linux-headers upgrade. I am attaching them to this email. They are fairly robust bash scripts and they have comments and explanations in them. They should be used after "eselect kernel set N" so the rebuilds get the correct sources and .configs to look at. There are some status update displays since they should be run from a text console or terminal window. The "rebuild-kern-set" is the main script that checks the setup and runs the emerge The "make-kern-set" does the work of scanning the pkg db to make a set based on the "inherit"s of the ebuilds. It scans the db directly for speed and efficiency rather than digging into the ebuilds with standard tools. Comments welcome. Enjoy. -- G.Wolfe Woodbury