The other day I installed Celestia for the entertainment of my son, who is delighted with anything stellar / planetary. Celestia wouldn't start up, and, long-story-short, I tracked down the issue to the symlinks: /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ which ultimately point to /usr/lib64/, provided by media-libs/mesa. Naturally, I assumed I'd made a mistake with `eselect` at some point, so I checked with `eselect opengl list` and found that, as expected, my selected opengl implementation was nvidia. Just in case, I switched over to xorg-x11 (mesa) and back again, but this didn't fix the problem. Manually redirecting these to /usr/lib64/opengl/nvidia/lib/ (provided by x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers) works, however, of course, portage doesn't know anything about this, so the update I received today for media-libs/mesa reverted these symlinks back to pointing at mesa libs. So the questions I have are these: 1) Am I reasonable in expecting `eselect opengl` to maintain these symlinks? I feel like it's a reasonable expectation, but perhaps there's just yet another thing I have to learn / understand. 2) Should I be logging a bug (against eselect, or perhaps celestia, since this is the only app which seems to have suffered this fate -- games like Torchlight 2 and utils like glxgears work just fine; glxinfo reports NVIDIA extensions), or is there just something I've fundamentally missed or messed up here? Thanks -d -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If you say that getting the money is the most important thing You will spend your life completely wasting your time You will be doing things you don't like doing In order to go on living That is, to go on doing things you don't like doing Which is stupid. - Alan Watts *Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur. *