"did "chmod 0600" now."

You just made it read+writable by just you - you're running ssh by you, right?

I referred to the man page because I thought there would be something I could just quote and learned something "Omitted digits are assumed to be leading zeros." which makes sense, as I intuitively knew if I left out the sticky bit, it would be unset but always thought: user, group, everyone else. So, 'chmod 0 config' doesn't look as cluttered and conveys the same meaning :)

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Stefan G. Weichinger <lists@xunil.at> wrote:
Am 18.09.2013 21:01, schrieb Shawn Wilson:
> I was saying to chmod 000 it so that you're not picking up (possibly strange?) options.

and it is still readable then? never tried 000.