On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 6:01 PM, Paul Hartman <paul.hartman+gentoo@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Paul Hartman
<paul.hartman+gentoo@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 5:43 AM, Kfir Lavi <lavi.kfir@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 11:38 PM, Paul Hartman
>> <paul.hartman+gentoo@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I emerged ulogd-2.0.0_beta4 and using the ulogd.conf that was
>>> installed by portage, it fails to start. I get this message in the
>>> log:
>>> Tue Jul 19 15:32:08 2011 <8> ulogd.c:1179 not even a single working plugin
>>> stack
>>> Does anyone know what that's about? ULOG stuff is enabled in my
>>> kernel, and the plugins are on disk where the config file says. So I
>>> don't know what's wrong...
>>> Thanks,
>>> Paul
>> What use flags did you use when installing this software?
>> It seems that you didn't specify any plugins like mysql, pcap, postgres...
> Hi, thanks for the idea. I tried all combinations and, unfortunately,
> it fails with exactly the same error whether the USE flags are enabled
> or not. I guess I will file a bug report.

Solved it. It was a stupid mistake of mine. :)

In /etc/ulogd.conf all of the "stack" lines were commented out by
default. After I uncommented one, now it works.

File a bug to issue a warning at the end of the emerge, so people know it will fail.
As the error line is not in the old Ulog, this is new to version 2.0.0, so it is good you
found this problem now.
