On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 5:09 PM, Francisco Ares <frares@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 4:56 PM, Michael Schreckenbauer <grimlog@gmx.de> wrote:

On Saturday, 10. September 2011 16:41:39 Francisco Ares wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have managed to delete /var/db. I know this was a very stupid thing to be
> done, but now it is done and /var/db is gone for good.


tell me...
> Well, that is a good opportunity to have everything built again, time to try
> new CFLAGS, and so on.
> But there is a circular dependency that I do not know how to get rid of:
> "glibc" and "gcc" depend on each other. They are both here, but portage does
> not know that.
> How am I supposed to go on?

emerging the one or the other with --nodeps could solve this.

> By the way, I have a Pentium Core 2 Quad and I am using a "x86" profile. How
> would I switch to a "amd64" ? As far as I know, my processor is capable of
> this.

Afaik it's not possible to "upgrade" a running 32bit system to a 64bit one.

I was already considering a fresh install. Now it seems more tempting.

> Thanks
> Francisco



Well, --nodeps did no work, as portage claims that it is incompatible with --emptytree , that it is forcing as there is no more /var/db

I have also tried to include my gcc in /etc/package-provided , but still it did not work
