2013/3/15 Mick > On Friday 15 Mar 2013 01:18:03 Francisco Ares wrote: > > Hello. > > > > During some months now, this machine was (and still is, sometimes) > > suffering from a strange progressive lock down. It always has begun with > > the web browser, passing to the whole X environment, and finally I could > > not even use a console. > > > > After several trial and error actions, as no log entry could give any > hint > > on what is going on, it seems that I found something consistent. > > > > This machine is a dual-boot Linux/Windows, as my wife once in a while > needs > > to work on a Windows O.S. . The lock down starts when she saves a file > > received by e-mail in a ntfs-3g mounted partition, so that file would > also > > be accessible whenever she uses Windows. > > > > The reason why I suspect of ntfs-3g is that when the lock down starts, > that > > is, if only the web browser locks, just unmounting (and mounting back > > later) that partition, recovers the web browser functionality. Sometimes, > > when the lock down has already affected the whole graphic environment, > but > > I still may use a console, again unmounting that same partition also > > unlocks everithing. > > > > I have already tried to emerge ntfs-3g with different use flags, but the > > problem persists. Even built a new kernel and re-emerged ntfs-3g after > > that. Now ntfs-3g package is using its own "fuse". > > > > I would really appreciate any hints on what to do or where to look for > any > > more information on this subject. Perhaps I am still looking at an > effect, > > and not the cause. > > > > Thanks > > Francisco > > It could be a number of things, but would start with the basics, checking > that > there is adequate space in the partition and that the fs has been > defragmented > (Windows 7 defrag application is quite effective and for WinXP there is > mydefrag). While you have booted into MSWindows, you might as well run > chkdsk. > > Other than that, uou could try the 'big_writes' mount option in ntfs-3g > which may make a difference. > -- > Regards, > Mick > I didn't try to defragment that partition, yet. I can't believe that ntfs-3g would not take care of fragmentation, but I will do a defrag just in case ;-) Will try that "big_writes" too. Thanks Francisco -- "If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have one idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas." - George Bernard Shaw