2014-02-26 9:30 GMT-03:00 Francisco Ares <frares@gmail.com>:
2014-02-26 8:54 GMT-03:00 David M. Fellows <fellows@unb.ca>:

On Wed, 26 Feb 2014 08:12:35 -0300
Francisco Ares wrote -
> --001a113311e686e7f304f34d4a39
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Hi All,
> It has been for a while, now: every now and then, when updating a perl
> module, it fails to emerge.  Checking the log, it is possible to see
> something like this, when I tied to update dev-perl/File-MimeInfo :
> ...
> Checking prerequisites...
>   requires:
>     !  File::BaseDir is not installed
>     !  File::DesktopEntry is not installed
> ...
> Then I checked to see, and both dev-perl/File-BaseDir and
> dev-perl/File-DesktopEntry are really not installed and are not requested
> for the dev-perl/File-MimeInfo update.
> At first I thought it was a one and only case.  But as time goes by, there
> has been perl packages that refuse to emerge at first, and then, checking
> the emerge log, finding missing modules and manually emerging them,
> everything goes as it should.
> Does anyone have a clue on where did I miss them?

You need to run perl-cleaner to rebuild perl modules after a perl update.

emerge perl-cleaner if neecessary
perl-cleaner --all -p
to check
and perl-cleaner --all
do do the work.

Dave F

Thanks, Dave, gonna try.


Ouch!  perl-cleaner found 131 packages (5 upgrades, 126 reinstalls).  I guess that was the thing I missed :-D

Thanks again, Dave.