2013/8/28 Michael Hampicke <mh@hadt.biz>
Am 27.08.2013 22:40, schrieb Francisco Ares:
>> I think I might have found it.  Although I have selected in the kernel
>> "menuconfig" to compress the initramfs using gzip and deselected all other
>> decompression forms. a simple "file initramfs-xxx" told me that it was "XZ
>> compressed data", so now I am rebuilding the kernel with all decompression
>> algorithms built in.
>> I will (hope) soon post the results.
>> Thanks,
>> Francisco
> It did not work :-(

You could try generating an initramfs with dracut - see if that works.
You possible have to change the name of the initramfs in grub.cfg. Files
generated with dracut don't have *genkernel* in it's filename.

If you can boot with dracut initramfs, you can investigate why the
initramfs of genkernel does not work.

Thanks, Michael, gonna read about dracut and try it out.

Right now "gentoo-sources-3.10.7" is being built, still using genkernel (I was using gentoo-sources-3.8.13).

Meanwhile: the profile for this new install is "default/linux/amd64/13.0/no-multilib" - and I see that the directory where grub2 stores modules in /boot/grub2 is named "i386-pc".  Switching to a multilib profile and issuing an "emerge -pvuDN world", I see that, for instance, glibc is queued to be rebuilt with "multilib" use flag.

What I mean is: does genkernel uses the binaries already available in the filesystem it works on, or does it build its own ones?  If so, is genkernel + grub2 compatible with a "no-multilib" profile?  I guess so, specially after reading grub2 documentation, but, on the other hand, in a working system, I could see that busybox from the initramfs (thanks, Neil!) and the one in the root filesystem are different.

Thanks again!