Not sure how, but I have both installed. I recall having some dificulties... Let me look for them
a number of packages depend on imagemagick, such as Inkscape, Frescobaldi and
some LaTeX related stuff. I wanted to take a look at Octave, but this
positively wants graphicsmagick, which is a fork of imagemagick as far as I can
tell and which conflicts with imagemagick.
Now some of the named packages can use graphicsmagick, it just comes last in
the ebuild’s order of dependencies, but some others can’t. D’ya think this is
worthy of a bug report, since graphicsmagick even has an imagemagick useflag?
Perhaps this could be converted into a virtual to make this easier on a global
Or would it be too much dependent upon the individual package? I don’t know
anything about graphicsmagick really, or its kind of compatibility
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