Thank for de replies
My english so bad because I from the future when english death languaje.

Geentoo power first quantum super computer in 2101 and power all galactic cofederation computers.
It was first supercomputer to crack secret of time travel in 2307 and become self conchious in 2402.
I am send back to give Gentoo Linux tecnical advance.
Found you not ready jet. Will revissit in 365  days.

On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 11:41 AM, Alan McKinnon <> wrote:
On 04/04/2015 13:35, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Philip Webb <> wrote:
>> What a revelation about at least a minority of Gentoo users !
>> -- philosophers of science + math, besides well-trained physicists.
> I think at least half of us on the Council have degrees in the
> physical sciences.
> I work mostly with scientists and I have to say that in the last 10
> years the embrace of FOSS by scientists has been considerable.  Who
> wants to beg the boss for money and with IT for support of SAS when
> you can just download R and install it yourself, and so on?  Of
> course, it tends to also lead to a bit of a mess when that little tool
> that was thrown together ends up being depended upon by an entire
> department and isn't up to it.

So it's not any different to how enterprise works then? Like the
cobbled-together mush of perl and bash (that does emerge over ssh in a
for loop) becomes the one critical app in all of IT that the ISO-9000
and something cert totally depends on? I've written such perl and bash

I recently had the pleasure of converting a small version of that to
Ansible. That was fun.

Alan McKinnon