What do you gain if you abuse your drive so hard that its lifetime is severly impacted?

Am 06.08.2012 11:47 schrieb "Dale" <rdalek1967@gmail.com>:
Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> I finally got me a 3Tb drive on the way.  Should be here Wednesday.  I
> have seen some reviews where it would not work right.  I think some of
> it may be BIOS related since some BIOS's don't like drives that large.
> Anyway, I want to test this thing real good to really make sure it is up
> to the task before putting my data on it.  It's going to be so much
> data, there is really no way to do back-ups at this point.  Come on, 2
> to 3Tbs on 4Gb DVDs.  Really?  lol  Maybe a external drive later on but
> for now, well.
> I have heard of bonnie and friends.  I also think dd could do some
> testing too.  Is there any other way to give this a good work and see if
> it holds up?  Oh, helpful hints with Bonnie would be great too.  I have
> never used it before.  Maybe someone has some test that is really brutal.
> Thanks
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

I seem to have got a few really good responses to my question.  Since I
really want to test this drive really hard, I'll try them all.  lol  If
it survives a few runs of all this, maybe it is going to live.  Like the
one with the script too.  May have to edit for my needs but certainly a
GREAT start.

While at it, I found a lot of references to the flood in Japan or I
assume it was Japan.  Anyone think this could still be a problem?
Should they all be flushed out of the system by now?  Pardon the flush
term there.  ;-)



Please, no hard drive brand flame wars.  Seagates fail, WD fails, they
all fail at some point.  We all know that already.  This is what I got
so it is what it is.  :-D  That is why I want to test this thing like a
wild man BEFORE putting anything on it.  If it has a issue, hopefully
the test will bring that to the front now instead of later.

Waiting on Wednesday to get here now.


:-)  :-)

P. S.  What is a good way to back up something this large BESIDES
another drive the same size or larger?  I thought about getting a blue
ray burner but even that will take a lot of media.  Another drive is all
I can think of myself.

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how you interpreted my words!