On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Jonas de Buhr <jonas.de.buhr@gmx.net> wrote:
Am Tue, 11 Oct 2011 13:54:06 +0100
schrieb Mick <michaelkintzios@gmail.com>:

> On Tuesday 11 Oct 2011 12:51:12 Jonas de Buhr wrote:
> > Am Tue, 11 Oct 2011 13:03:27 +0200
> >
> > schrieb Jonas de Buhr <jonas.de.buhr@gmx.net>:
> > > it's nice how much many people on this this list are willing to
> > > help in spite of all this. but am i really the only one who finds
> > > the behavior described above at least confusing?
> > > anyway, i'm quite convinced it is fake.
> >
> > no, apparently i am not the only one thinking that:
> > http://www.stopforumspam.com/ipcheck/
> Interesting!
> Well, the broken English is not an insurmountable problem as long as
> we understand the question asked.  Not everyone is blessed with good
> knowledge of the English language.

i totally agree to that given any effort on the other end i would do my
best to help as well.

> The questions seem genuine, so it may help the OP or others that have
> similar problems.

right, the replies probably gave the thread some value ;)
but there was *no* reaction at all to the proposed solutions, hints and
info requests. why ask for help if you don't even try the suggestions?
it takes you about ten minutes of reading this list to realize that the
usual way of solving problems is a cycle of "i am trying to do X
and receive error Y"->"hey, try Z"->"oh, now A happens"->"try B too"

> Now, if as you say it is indeed spam, what escapes me is why would
> someone spam the list in this manner?  It doesn't make sense.

my point exactly! i don't get it - this intially led me to post
this comment in the first place.
what really points into the direction of spam in my opinion is using
the different names mentioned of stopforumspam. and that others went as
far as reporting it.

> So I
> am led to believe that the peculiarities you mention are probably a
> cultural (or personal) issue.

possible. but what makes it even more confusing is that this doesn't
go well with my experience of chinese people having a hard time with
english (i can't really put my finger on it, but it doesn't feel right)
and how they react to "hey, you're doing X wrong, thats rude".
not meaning to stereotype, it just made it more suspicious.

I understand why you would think the OP is a spammer, but the topic just seems too genuine (to me at least) for this to actually be spam. It definitely would have been more polite if Lavender had replied to the other suggestions, but (assuming the thread is not spam) you don't know what is going on in their life and it may take a few days to respond. Just because the person is from China, doesn't mean we should assume they're a spammer (following Alan's last reply).

Matthew Finkel