On Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 11:19 AM Nikos Chantziaras <realnc@gmail.com> wrote:
On 11/09/2023 22:19, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> chromium has been building since 10:14, it's now 21:16 and still going
> so 9 hours at least on this machine to build a browser - almost as bad
> as openoffice at it's worst (regularly took 12 hours). Nodejs also took
> a while, but I didn't record time.

What's your CPU and how much RAM? Even on my older system I had (an
4-core i5 2500K) libreoffice took like 2 hours or so to build.

> What other packages have huge build times?

IIRC, dev-qt/qtwebengine is one of the heaviest when it comes to build

Anyway, a nice way to cut down on build times is to build on tmpfs. To
do that however with heavy packages like that, I had to upgrade to 32GB
RAM. There was a large price drop in the memory market a couple months
ago, so I snatched a 32GB DDR4 3600 kit (2x16GB) for like 80€. So now
with plenty of RAM, I configured a 14GB tmpfs in /var/tmp/portage. I
never hit swap when emerging.

That's not an option for me, this is a corporate laptop with 16G RAM and a case I may not open :-)
I'm not interested in a remote build host or distcc either

But anyways, this is not really about how to deal with long compiles, I was asking what current packages take a long time after a 5 year absence.

The answer is what it was always - browsers and libreoffice. I do recall icu being a bit of a beast back then



Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com