Hi Philipp, the actual error really is missing. Can you use pastebin or something similar to upload the whole build.log? The number of cores may help to estimate the unmber of compilation units that still get built. Unfortunately not with cmake. It usually continues building targets that do not depend on the failed target. You may have to scroll up hundreds of lines. So, again: Please give us the complete buld.log! Thx Franz Am So., 21. Okt. 2018 um 10:30 Uhr schrieb Philip Webb : > 181021 Dale wrote: > > You need to go back further on your copy n paste. > > The first error I see error 2. Somewhere further back is error 1. > > I don't think so : isn't that the type of error taken from a list ? > I don't see another error higher up. > > > That is the first trigger and may point to a problem. > > I usually go back 20 or 30 lines before error 1 > > just to be sure I went back far enough. > > I have a 4 core CPU here. > > Whatever does that have to do with the problem ? > > > My only other suggestion is to make sure you have not run out of space, > > either hard drive mount point or memory if using tmpfs. > > That can cause a strange error > > because it fails wherever it runs out of space. > > Sometimes it fails at different spots too. > > There's no reason to expect that here. > > Thanks for trying, but I believe the problem is somewhere else. > > -- > ========================,,============================================ > SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb > ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Cities Centre, University of Toronto > TRANSIT `-O----------O---' purslowatchassdotutorontodotca > > >