On Feb 4, 2014 7:28 PM, "Joseph" <syscon780@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 02/04/14 18:38, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
> [snip]
>>> I'm using XFCE It all started to happen after I switched to systemd. So
>>> maybe on the weekend I'll try to switch one of the machine back to udev.
>>> I think all I need is to unmerge "systemd" and emerge "udev" without
>>> rebooting.
>> As others have said, udev *IS* systemd. It's the same code and
>> configuration [1].
>> And if you don't reboot after uninstalling systemd (while having
>> booted with it), I don't think your system will stay stable for much
>> longer.
>> I see that thunar depends on gvfs, which can use udisks or
>> gnome-disk-utility. Which one do you have? What does portage it says
>> when you do:
>> emerge -pv gnome-base/gvfs
>> If you have the gdu USE flag enabled, I recommend switching to udisks.
>> It's possible that it will fix everything, but I have never used Xfce,
>> so I'm not certain.
> Do I need to put flag: systemd in make.conf file: USE="...
> to enable it globally?
Supposedly, you should enable local flags per package in /etc/portage/package.use, but many does put it on make.conf.
Either way, if you are using systemd, you *should* set the systemd USE flag on everything, otherwise the package in question will try to use the non-systemd implementation (if any), and that will (almost surely) fail under systemd.