<p>On Jul 27, 2013 4:44 PM, &quot;walt&quot; &lt;<a href="mailto:w41ter@gmail.com">w41ter@gmail.com</a>&gt; wrote:<br>
&gt; First hint:  it&#39;s a mess -- don&#39;t do it on a critical machine.<br>
&gt; (My main machine is ~amd64 and that&#39;s why I&#39;m doing it on virtual<br>
&gt; ~amd64 machines first.)<br>
&gt; The new gnome-shell demands that systemd be installed, even if you<br>
&gt; don&#39;t intend to use it.<br>
&gt; The latest systemd conflicts with udev because the udev project<br>
&gt; has been rolled into systemd, which now provides all of the files<br>
&gt; previously installed by udev.<br>
&gt; Therefore your machine will still boot without udev because systemd<br>
&gt; installs all the udev files. You don&#39;t need to start or use systemd<br>
&gt; if you don&#39;t want to, but the systemd package must be installed<br>
&gt; *before* you reboot and after removing udev.<br>
&gt; Removal of udev has caused a few (temporary) problems with useflags,<br>
&gt; because a few packages still depend directly on udev instead of the<br>
&gt; newer (!systemd ? udev) which means accept either one but not both.<br>
&gt; That will get fixed soon, I&#39;m sure.<br>
&gt; The right way to upgrade gnome is probably to remove every gnome<br>
&gt; package on the machine, which will avoid many of the conflicts I&#39;ve<br>
&gt; had to fight for the last two days -- but of course I did it the hard<br>
&gt; way instead :)<br>
&gt; You can try emerge -au gnome-light early in the update, which is<br>
&gt; simpler than emerging gnome in all its immensity, but that&#39;s no<br>
&gt; guarantee of success -- I&#39;m sure you&#39;ll still run into conflicts<br>
&gt; between packages and useflags, but it might be a bit easier.<br>
&gt; When you see conflicting packages that won&#39;t install, I suggest<br>
&gt; deleting both packages immediately -- let portage sort out the<br>
&gt; conflicts.  Just keep removing packages until portage finally<br>
&gt; stops complaining.<br>
&gt; Beware of pambase, however.  I finally took Canek&#39;s advice and<br>
&gt; removed consolekit from the machine and unset the useflag for<br>
&gt; all packages, including pambase and polkit.  I&#39;d suggest you<br>
&gt; get pambase and polkit re-installed with the proper useflags<br>
&gt; before you try to reboot.  Dunno if that&#39;s mandatory, but I did<br>
&gt; it that way and had no problems (yet).<br>
&gt; I&#39;ve finished updating my virtual gentoo systemd machine now,<br>
&gt; but I&#39;m still fighting with the virtual openrc machine and I&#39;m<br>
&gt; not sure how it will turn out.  More tomorrow :)</p>
<p>I haven&#39;t upgraded yet to the last update (although I&#39;ve been using GNOME 3+systemd for years), but I do know this: the primary reason of GNOME&#39;s dependency on systemd is logind, and logind *CANNOT* run correctly if systemd is not the running init.</p>

<p>So you not only need to install systemd: you need to use it as init. I don&#39;t even think logind can start if systemd is not running.</p>
<p>And actually, the long term plan is for systemd --user to basically replace gnome-session-manager, so just installing systemd is not going to work at all in the future, even if it *may* seems to work now (which I&#39;m pretty sure it doesn&#39;t).</p>

<p>systemd provides some pretty complex functionality for logind (and therefore GNOME) while running; it&#39;s not just some libraries.</p>