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On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:14 AM, Albert W. Hopkins <> wrote:
On Sat, 2011-11-26 at 17:01 -0600, Harry Putnam wrote:
> Creating a gentoo vm has always been a serious pita to me.  I'm sure
> there will be those who claim its `simple'.
> Simple or not, I want to bypass it if possible.
> So wondering if anyone here has (or has seen) a gentoo (vbox)
> appliance available for download?
I maintain a quasi-daily build of a gentoo virtual appliance.  It should
work with kvm, vmware, and virutalbox (and possibly xen?).

The list of packages installed are:

The image is at:

It's a vmdk but I'm told it works with vbox.

This is just a minimal Gentoo install, I have specialized appliances as