On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 10:40 AM allan gottlieb <gottlieb@nyu.edu> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 18 2018, Mick wrote:

> On Sunday, 18 February 2018 01:09:36 GMT allan gottlieb wrote:

    Specifically excluding the buggy (old) version of webkit-gtk,
    portage wants me to merge a newish (testing) version of gnucash that
    uses a solid new version of webkit-gtk.  I have the new version of
    webkit-gtk, but really want to delay installing the testing gnucash.

Looks like gnucash-2.7.4-r1 is now in the stable branch of portage despite gnucash declaring “This release is UNSTABLE and SHOULD NOT BE USED in production” (their caps, not mine).  I’ve masked it and reverted to icu58.2-r1 by masking icu-60.2.  The older icu allows webkit-gtk-2.4.11-r200 to build, and gives me a version of gnucash which I’ve used for a long time and trust.  Not going to upgrade irreversibly to a version which the authors themselves don’t trust.  My 2 cents.
