On Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 9:43 AM Frank Steinmetzger <Warp_7@gmx.de> wrote:
Am Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 05:44:08AM -0500 schrieb Dale:

> > That said, if you're interested in limiting opportunistic snooping, something
> > like this may help:
> >
> > https://proton.me/mail
> I'll have to check into that more.  I'm not sure I could send my system
> emails through that tho.  It sounds like it requires encryption end to
> end.  I think. 
> Dale

I would actually try and set up local mail delivery straight to /var/spool
without the detour over a network. We’ve had this topic already, methinks.
You can then add the folder to Thunderbird/Seamonkey, since spool usually is
mbox format, which is also the default in TB.

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If a snowball is a ball of snow – what, then, is a football?
Exactly. I used to send system email out through gmail, but after periodic breakages in that route due to Google security changes, I realized keeping these emails within my local network was a more reliable, lower hassle alternative for me: postfix/dovecot/mutt. I just use it for system mails, so config was straightforward. No more gmail config hassles, no more Google reading my emails. The one time I’ve been hacked was through gmail, so I’ve also eliminated a security risk.

Not the answer to the question asked, so possibly not a useful one, but maybe food for thought.

John Blinka