Q: You have Docker (or any other lxc) running on something local?
We could use my system here as a sandbox. There should be a decent
way to have a "gentoo-qc" image for testing: Just snag the image and
have it "emerge --update" to see what works, or something similar.
Steven Lembark 5725 Aylesboro Ave
Workhorse Computing Pittsburgh PA 15217
lembark@wrkhors.com +1 888 359 3508
If this question is directed at me, then here's some information:
1) Already installed, and used regularly: systemd-nspawn
2) Docker, or others: Well, whatever tool is needed is only an emerge away
If someone were to add (or, if there is already such a feature and I'm just not aware...) automatic build log uploads on failure to the make.conf FEATURES variable, I would also be OK to enable that on my equipment.