On Nov 11, 2012 9:22 PM, "微蔡" wrote: > > 在 2012年11月11日 星期日 13:59:50,Jorge Almeida 写道: > > On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 1:38 PM, pk wrote: > > > On 2012-11-11 13:24, Jorge Almeida wrote: > > >> or later, but isn't it a nice coincidence that this perl is a product of > > >> the same totalitarian mindset that is determined to poison Linux? > > > > > > Can't we just calm down and try to be reasonably nice? I really didn't > > > intend to start a flame war here... I just reacted without thinking and > > > for that I apologise. > > > > You don't have anything to apologise for, you didn't offend anyone. I shall > > not apologise for reacting in strong terms to the intervention of someone > > who thinks he is entitled to tell people who don't share his fancy to go > > away. > > You over reacted. > No, it was you ('you' here referring to microcai/微蔡) who first trolled. Everyone tends to react very strongly to trolls. And shills. Read again your posting. You used words like 'byebye hater' and even went out your way of accusing someone of being paid to hate something... ... yet you didn't post any tech points at all! I was often at odds with Canek, and the discussion sometimes got heated, but we keep countering with tech stuffs, codes, and many tech (edge) cases. You, instead, did an ad hominem without debating technical merits. So, don't blame people doing ad hominem attacks to you in reciprocal. Rgds, --