On Feb 10, 2012 3:13 PM, "Hinnerk van Bruinehsen" <h.v.bruinehsen@fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 08.02.2012 16:23, James wrote:
> > Hinnerk van Bruinehsen <h.v.bruinehsen <at> fu-berlin.de> writes:
> >
> >
> >> I own a Galaxy Nexus - up to now I encountered a bug in finding
> >> the tools.jar of JDK (Google helped here) and a problem due to
> >> the fact that I use hardened for building (TEXTREL, I think).
> >> I'll try a stage 3 non hardened chroot later...
> >
> > How do you like the G. Nexus so far? Who is your (cell) service
> > provider?
> >
> > I'm not sure I posted this link:
> > http://marc.info/?l=selinux&r=1&b=201201&w=4
> >
> > Note. Russell Coker (dev for SElinux and SEandroid) is very cool
> > and has his up and running on Debian (Wheezy). If you get stuck,
> > you can search him out for help. In my experiences with Russell, he
> > is very friendly and helpful, particularly on the last "thingy" he
> > is focused on, like SEandroid.....
> >
> > thanks for keeping me posted, James
> >
> It seems as if I'm not able to setup a proper build-environment with
> hardened (due to chroot hardening the chroot isn't an option, either).
> I'll try to find time to test it on a non-hardened host or in a vm
> (which seems like a bad option, too, due to hardened restrictions).
> If I get any further, I'll try to post some updates.
> Concerning the phone: I'm very happy with it, as it is. It's a big
> upgrade from my old Wildfire.
> My cell service provider is Vodafone (Germany).
> With kind regards,
> Hinnerk
There are grsec knobs in sysctl that you can temporarily disable to "weaken" chroot for awhile. aW simple reboot will return these knobs to its default secure settings.
(There's a thread I started when I have trouble doing things in a chroot, and the solution was to temporarily stable done grkernelsec features before going into chroot)